Krystal Aura Clearing — BioField Maintenance - Alchemy of Quartz
Krystal Aura Clearing — BioField Maintenance - Alchemy of Quartz
Krystal Aura Clearing — BioField Maintenance - Alchemy of Quartz
Krystal Aura Clearing — BioField Maintenance - Alchemy of Quartz
Krystal Aura Clearing — BioField Maintenance - Alchemy of Quartz

    Krystal Aura Clearing — BioField Maintenance


      A gentle yet potent method to clear roots of aura attachments, spirit attachments, looping pathologies, energy blockages and crystallized beliefs.

      We are electro-magnetic beings, with ample free energy production. This makes humans desirable for unseen energy attachments. Auric Attachmengs often represent the greatest challenges in emotional, mental and spiritual evolution.

      All work is done through organic alignment of the Christos Heart and Organic Templar of Living Light. 

      We address chronic blockages that overlay the major energy centers that may be responsible for manifesting an undesired reality. 

      Most people carry unfinished business, limited  belief systems, harmful thought-forms, paradigms, contracts, etc. since many lifetimes in their soul memory.

      The crystallized blockages commonly manifest in the 3D as diseases and emotional trouble. by addressing the roots, we can address and then walk away from the reoccurring painful patterns.

      The magnetic charge and vortexes from auric attachments will attract us to people, events, times and places with a matching low frequency, thus creating diverse from our desired potential reality.

      During Auric Clearings we energetically transform  soul fragments from our lifetimes. These fragments appear as holes or deluded areas in the bioenergetic field which shows unresolved issues and stagnant Life Force energy. 

      A trinity is created to release stagnation and renew the bioenergetic field for our multidimensional potential! 

      In the session we organically calibrate your with Scalar Language, Plasmic Light Body Mechanics and Absolute Harmomic Universe for a strong connection to the Living Light of 15D Source God.

      We are connected to Source or God through rotating fields of energy that come from Source down through the universal, galactic, planetary, and then personal energy grids. If we have blockages like occupants or portals in our bio-energetic field, then these affect our ability to accrete this energy from Source and affect our potential for at-one-ment. With these gone, we have much more energy and will be able to tap into higher dimensions of consciousness that are closest to Source! ✨


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